Why London is the greatest city in the world

I've always had such a deep love and fascination with the bright lights of London. At the tender age of four I insisted I wanted to go to London and see the dinosaurs for my birthday. At the age of 11, I was adamant that all I wanted to do was work in the city. At the age of 21, I interned at various publications soaking up everything the big smoke had to offer. Finally at the age of 23 I got a job in central London. After a little blip I'm back commuting every day from Essex and I honestly couldn't be happier. London is where I'm meant to be. It's the city that captured my imagination and nothing has ever quite lived up to it.

I've been lucky enough to travel and see so many cities. New York, Barcelona, Berlin and Chicago have all left a footprint on my heart. But nothing has fully captured it hook, line and sinker quite like London.

This city chews you up and spits you back out with a vengeance. The city is all-comsuming, exhausting, aggressive, unapologetic and fierce. The people are rude, the streets can be dirty, the weather is truly awful, the tube makes me want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly and tourists insist on not walking down the left side of the escalator. But it's also the most magical place in the world. I still feel awestruck as I wander through the winding streets, pride when I see the city put on a show, goosebumps as I soak up the the history of yesteryear and emotional looking out at the thames after a bottle of wine. It's got such a colourful past in every corner and such thirst for life. It's a place where you can be anyone you want to be and no one ever bats an eyelid. The world is your oyster. Communities from all over the world have come together and made it their own. The melting pot of cultures that bubbles on every street helps to make it wonderful. It's a city that always feel so alive, so eager and so vibrant.

There's nowhere else quite like it. London is quite simply the greatest city in the world.

OOTD: Cream faux fur coat

Cream faux fur coat: Primark (similar)
Floral silky longline shirt: Boohoo*
Black skinny jeans: New Look (similar)
Cobalt blue studded heels: Dorothy Perkins (similar)
Black leather Bayswater bag: Mulberry 

Despite my boyfriend asking me if I was feeling a bit sheepish when I met him wearing this coat, I'm very glad it's finally cold enough to bring it out of storage. The best £25 I ever spent in Primark. And it's lasted more than one season which is always a bonus with that shop! I wore this for a burger lunch date with Hannah and Lily before mooching around the V&A museum. Pretty perfect Wednesday if you ask me! I'm now back at work, back commuting and back spending my days in London. So long week off! Now it's all full steam ahead until Christmas. How on earth is is December already?


Taste of London Festival with ASDA

A few weeks ago ASDA got in touch to see if I wanted a couple of tickets to enjoy the Taste of London Festival. They were showing off the UK's first ever edible Christmas house as the official supermarket sponsor of the event. Pretty cool eh? If you scroll down you'll spot the incredible house.  Cabbage and broccoli made up the garden, a sausage roll wreath hung on the door, giant pies made up the bricks alongside a staggering 1000 potatoes. There was even a prosecco wishing well next door - definitely something I could get on board with!

So what was the rest of the festival like? Blooming good! Set in the cool, industrial venue of Tobacco Dock - useless trivia, my darling dad actually did the roof when he was younger! - it was a maze of delicious food stalls. After we purchased our crowns - the official currency - we set off to feed our fat faces.

First off we made a beeline for Gordon Ramsey's Maze Grill. Promising juicy beef brisket topped with pickles and cabbage slaw, it seem worth waiting in line for. And it most certainly was! Washed down with a potent Pogues whisky cocktail, we set off in search of some prosecco. Obviously taking advantage of the free samples along the way!

It was such a brilliant day and my mum and I returned home with bursting at the seams and a little bit merry. It may have resulted in having to go to bed at 8pm... We came home with lots of the above fudge for Christmas presents and some delicious pink prosecco to open on the special festive day. Job well done I say.

Thanks so much for the tickets ASDA!


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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