Confidence is a funny old thing. We often get our confidence from other people. Someone compliments our dress? We beam with pride. Someone notices we've lost a little bit of weight? Suddenly the soup diet seems worth it. But really everything is subjective. Different people like different things. That's what makes life worthwhile. You're never going to be everyone's cup of tea so why bother?
Your self worth isn't based solely on the number on the scales or how you look in a body con dress. Happiness isn't based on if you can fit into a size 8. It's based on what you can get out of this wonderful life we've been given. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to lose 20lbs and get back to my pre-20 year old weight. But I've also discovered the delights of the London food scene. So alas I'm not sure if that's entirely possible. We place far too much of our self-worth in other people. We thrive on how people perceive us. When really all that should matter is how you perceive yourself. No one should dictate how we feel inside.
We should strive to be the person we want to be. If people have something negative to say? Cut them loose. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. It's bloody hard. After being bombarded with magazines telling us what we can do to loose that stubborn five pounds and how life is much better when you're skinner, it can take it's toll on anyones confidence. Most people don't actually care what size jeans you wear, it's all in your head. So get that little gremlin out of your head. Start acting like a queen bee and soon other people will start treating you like one.
You should be proud to be you.