I may be an Essex girl born and bred but London's always had a special place in my heart. From the day my parents took me to the Natural History Museum - I asked to go for my fourth birthday so i've always been a geek - i've been hooked on the big smoke. I'm finally living my dream of working in the city and hopefully may even move there one day. I therefore think of London as my city and have been extremely proud of how it's pulled the Olympics off. The atmosphere has been electric and i've tried to take advantage. So far i've managed to catch the football, cycling road race and women's hockey and am popping along to the women's marathon tomorrow with my nan and mum. I can't believe just how well team GB are performing and it makes me incredibly proud to be a Brit. For such a small country we have an immense wealth of talent. I feel so lucky to have seen the Olympics in my home country, COME ON TEAM GB!!
P.S Please ignore the not too flattering photos of me - I had extremely early starts ha!
P.P.S That's my dear old dad i'm standing with outside Wembley.