001. I was treated to dinner tonight by the boyfriend. We were orginally going to the Toby Cavery but the queue was massive so we opted for a local pub. What a good choice it, these mini burgers were amazing! We popped to see the new American Pie film after dinner which is absolutely amazing! Go see it!
002. Pretty new shirt i've aquired recently as work uniform. I can see myself getting a lot of wear out of this!
003. I tried by hand at baking for the first time and attempted a Victoria Sandwich. It came out a little burnt on top but this didn't put anyone off. As you can see it soon got eaten! I think I much prefer cooking actual dinner than baking. Baking makes my arm ache!
004. New shoes! I seem to have gone a bit mad recently and ordered 6 pairs of shoes in the last couple of weeks. I am one of these people that will wear shoes until they literally fall off my feet so I should be stocked up for a good few months - it was well overdue.
005. What online shopping addiction eh? I've had to curb down my spending for this month but on the plus side I have lots of lovely new things to blog about ha!
006. Just a few things i've picked up in a charity shop recently. I don't quite know why I needed to own some sherry glasses but I figured they'd look lovely on display in my future home. Plus they were only a pound for six so it'd be rude to leave them behind.