001: First attempt at a ring manicure this week. I really like it although I have lost count of how many people asked my why I had one glittery finger. I just explained it was a Kelly Rowland thing but I still don't think Essex is ready for this jelly.
002. Recieved a second glossybox this month free of charge after I attended the Motel Rocks event. I was so pleased to receive the bath salts and the nail wraps. I actually perfered this one to the one I paid for!
003. Finally managed to get a huge chunk of my Christmas shopping done. I only have about 3-4 left to get so am feeling pretty good about it. Hopefully I will get it completed by the middle of December.
004. Girls night out! Worryingly when I got to the local club I was informed I didn't need to show my ID because "he knows my face as I am always there". I am not sure if that is a good thing! I suffered today at work but it was worth it, had lots of fun dancing!
005. Team Edward! Finally went to see the new Twilight film simply so I could stare at Robert Pattinson for a few hours. It was pretty cringe-worthy at times but I think it was pretty true to the book which is always good. Anyone else thinks that Edward just constantly looks in pain?
006. Perfect hangover food. I popped out for dinner after work with a few collegues which was very welcomed considering I seemed to have a second wave of a hangover by 3pm. Nothing beats a bit of stodge when you feel like you are dying.