Just a skater girl

Cream skater dress: H&M
Black chain belt: Primark
Black opaque tights: Primark
Black studded smoking slippers: Topshop

Gosh this camera is awful, bring on getting a new one. I feel like I have lost a limb without my normal camera!

This dress was a bargain at £15, even better that I had a voucher to use so it was in reality free! Orginally brought it for work but alas it's too short and I am sure people in the office do not want to see my behind so it has be resigned for meals out. Shame you can't really see my shoes but I brought those studded loafers from Topshop that everyone seems to be blogging about. Know what ones I mean? They are so comfy and literally feel like slippers. Best £28 I have spent in a long time!

Off out tonight for my best friends birthday to eat lots of noodles. I am gatecrashing her family meal! Not seen her since before the summer so I am very excited to see her beautiful face. Just a shame she's not down for longer. Ahhh well hopefully I can kidnap her when she comes home for Christmas. Kinda selfish of her to live so far away to be honest!

Massive hello to my new readers, you seem to have appeared from nowhere! I am very grateful that you read the old blog.

A snapshot #2

001. My Glossybox came though the post this week. I was really pleased with all the products especially the nail varnish. It applies like a dream! I completely understand why some people were disappointed as it was a bit of a con to get four products all by the same brand

002. After finishing my contract last Friday I have found myself at a loose end. I have spent most of this week lazing around in bed watching True Blood. Nearly finished the first series, just need to get my hands on the second.

003. I decided to have a little raid of the charity shops and came away pleasantly surprised. I found another wine coloured Kelly bag in pristine condition to add to my collection. Managed to get my hands on Never Been Kissed, amazing film. I used to watch it all the time when I was at school. I finally finished off the Stieg Larsson trilogy so am starting the first one this week. The uno cards will come in handy perfectly to take on holiday to pass some time round the pool.

004. New shoes! I jumped on the glitter shoe bandwagon with these beauties. Not the most sensible thing to do as I don't have a job but look how pretty they are! They will be perfect for the festive season. Who needs Miu Miu?

005. Nom nom nom! Me and the boy trotted off to Westfield for the day extremely hungover. Shopping is not fun when your head feels like it is about to explode. However this jerk chicken managed to soften the blow. It was amazing!

What has your week been like?


Last Wednesday was a very proud day. I graduated from Anglia Ruskin University with a 2.1. There were some points during the degree that I doubted I would ever come away with anything. I am not one of these people that can cram a few days before or start my coursework a week before due date *cough* my boyfriend who gets 83% in one piece of coursework *cough*. I am not naturally intelligent and have to work so hard in order to get decent grades. That is what makes this degree all the sweeter.

I really did have such a lovely day with my parents and boyfriend. We all trekked to Cambridge to the Corn Exchange, getting up at half 5 was not pleasant. My soppy mum started crying when she saw me in the gown, bless her cottons socks. I think it hit us all just how far we had come, I am the only one that went to University in my family. The degree really was a joint effort; everyone mucked in and put up with me when I turned into a monster before deadlines.

I managed to totter across the stage in my chunky heels without falling over. I had been having nightmares that I would fall flat on my face; I think that walk was the longest of my life! The day ended with amazing three course lunch in Jamies Italian, seriously we need one near me. It was delicious. It was so nice to see everyone again and learn all about what they were doing. Even if it was a bit disheartening to hear that some of them had jobs and I didn't. Ah well my time will come soon!

It went so quickly and before I knew it I was back at home at 4pm trying to cram in a few hours kip before the pub quiz. I wish I could do it all over again.

Somehow I seem to have hit 202 readers! Wow! Thank you all so much and please don't be shy, come and say hello on twitter.

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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