Rust faux suede chunky heels: Dorothy Perkins
Orange clutch bag: Dorothy Perkins
I finally graduated on Wednesday! Officially an adult even if I don't feel like it! My mum got over excited when taking pictures and managed to drop my camera and break it hence the terrible iPhone quality picture. A Warner family day out is never drama free! The boyfriend is going to hunt down a card reader so hopefully I can have some graduation pictures to show off to you soon!
I originally brought a very expensive navy assemble from Monsoon back in January unfortunately I have been rather food happy recently and it ripped when my large behind got near it. It was a tragic moment. Thankfully it is now fixed at the dry cleaners and it is now my aim to fit in to it for New Years Year. I had to panic buy this outfit a week before and I must say I am rather in love with it. I just feel like it is so "me". It is being earmarked for my boyfriends work Christmas party. Just to clarify those are not rolls in the dress rather creases. Honest I promise!
I had such a lovely day but will go into more details once I get the pictures off my camera.
I have also just signed up to Bloglovin as Claire kindly let me know I had 11 followers on there. I would be ever so grateful you take a little time out and follow me :) Thanks guys!