Welcome to the real world

Rust midi dress: Topshop
Rust faux suede chunky heels: Dorothy Perkins
Orange clutch bag: Dorothy Perkins

I finally graduated on Wednesday! Officially an adult even if I don't feel like it! My mum got over excited when taking pictures and managed to drop my camera and break it hence the terrible iPhone quality picture. A Warner family day out is never drama free! The boyfriend is going to hunt down a card reader so hopefully I can have some graduation pictures to show off to you soon!

I originally brought a very expensive navy assemble from Monsoon back in January unfortunately I have been rather food happy recently and it ripped when my large behind got near it. It was a tragic moment. Thankfully it is now fixed at the dry cleaners and it is now my aim to fit in to it for New Years Year. I had to panic buy this outfit a week before and I must say I am rather in love with it. I just feel like it is so "me". It is being earmarked for my boyfriends work Christmas party. Just to clarify those are not rolls in the dress rather creases. Honest I promise!

I had such a lovely day but will go into more details once I get the pictures off my camera.

I have also just signed up to Bloglovin as Claire kindly let me know I had 11 followers on there. I would be ever so grateful you take a little time out and follow me :) Thanks guys!

Middle ground

Topshop floral midi dress - £50

Parrot palm midi dress - £70

Wallpaper ombre midi shirt dress - £80

My love affair with midi dresses is still going full steam ahead. I felt strangely exposed when I wore my leather shorts out at the weekend. I felt like my bum should have been a bit more covered. Could it be at the age of 22 that I now need to cover up a bit more? Am I getting old?

001. I actually have this dress just in a different colour. Rust, if anyone is wondering. It will be my graduation dress on Wednesday. I love this and feel the urge to make it mine, it is such a lovely fit and who doesn't love some florals.

002. It was the unusual neckline that drew me to this dress. Followed by the lovely print. I think this would work really well with thick tights and heeled ankle boots. I wonder if it is as nice in real life?

003. This dress excites me and disgusts me at the same time. It is really quite ugly with all the clashing colours but yet so pretty at the same time. I love the pussy bow; they are always winners in my eyes. The price is not so much of a winner.

Now I wanna see y'all on y'all baddest behaviour

Black leather shorts: Topshop
Cream 3/4 length flower trimed top: Primark
Black polka dot tights: Primark
Black faux suede wedges: New Look
Nail varnish: No7 Rose Truffle 76

I was pleasantly surprised that these shorts still fit me as i've put on some weight recently. So to celebrate that I thought I would wear them out tonight on a night out on the town. I brought this top a few weeks ago (in the hell hole that is Marble Arch Primark) with the intention of wearing it to work but now I have thought about it I think it is too pretty to just wear to work. I think I am going to wear it out a few times and then resign it to work. I love patterned tights, I think they really jazz up an outfit. But no doubt these will be laddered by the end of the end and have ended up in the bin. Anyone else always ladder tights?

Like I said I am going out dancing tonight. I am only going out locally so will be the oldest person out amongst 16-year-olds. Tragic. Ah well I can still party like the rest of them! The best friend is coming round to have pre-drinks, good gossip and watch The X Factor. We haven't been out dancing in about a month so tonight is very much needed.

Hope you all have a lovely Saturday night! Anyone else looking forward to The X Factor?

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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