You are my destiny, Jai Ho

Gold satin embroidered top: Charity Shop
Gold satin maxi skirt: Charity Shop
Nude bow sandals: River Island
Gold coloured bangles: Topshop and Primark

An outfit post with a bit of a twist today!

I spent the weekend in the Wembley Hilton attending a Jazzacise weekend. Major fail on that part as I only did 2.5 classes out of about 12! But I did have such an amazing time and spent it with two of my favourite people. I don't think I have danced or laughed that much in a very long time. I would post some pictures but I don't think they are suitable for this blog!

On the Saturday night it was Bollywood night which meant we had to get an outfit. I had borrowed one from my mum's friend but was so scared to wear it as she told my mum she wore it to weddings. I am an extremely clumsy person and could imagine me falling over and ripping a big hole in the sari!

As we wandered in search of the local Primark, we spotted that the window display of Oxfam was full of saris. I have never seen so many beaded or brightly coloured pieces of clothing in my life. They were all so pretty. As we ummed and ahhed over them, a lovely lady came to our aid. She had a rummage through the back, taught us how to tie saris and re-threaded some trousers for my friend.

I wish I could dress like this every day, it made me feel like a princess. The amount of detailing in the top is immense and must have taken such a long time. Can you believe that this was only £10?! Amazing! I brought a sari too because it was pretty and only £6. You never know, it might come in handy!

A/W haul

001: Primark - £10
002: H&M - £24.99
003: H&M - £7.99
004: River Island - £34.99
005: Next - £12

I had a little spending spree over this last week, brought some new work clothes although I finish in London on 14th October. Logic much?

Ah well they will do for my next internship/job! Only one thing was brought from Primark, shocker! Must be a sign I am on full time money and no longer a student.

I adore the Primark blouse; they have come up trumps yet again. I love the cute Peter Pan collar. I did originally buy it in cream but it was too small. When I went to change it they only had this colour in my size. I think I prefer it to be honest.

I completely fell victim to visual merchandising with these two bits from H&M as they were both styled together in the window. This skirt is made from such lovely material and is so thick, perfect for the upcoming winter. I can see myself wearing this outfit to death.

Finally found some black trousers that actually fitted me after searching for about 10 years. Surprisingly they are from River Island which was one of the last places I thought would fit me. They are so comfortable and I have come to conclusion, as much as I love skinny trousers, this shape really does suit my figure the best. Still feel a tad self confident in them but I suppose you just gotta fake it eh?

Finally the only next sale purchase that I brought. As I didn't work sale preview I missed out on the chance to have a mooch around and put some things on hold. I could not be bothered to get up early when I was working the late shift so this was all I found as I wandered in about midday. Pretty pleased with it, love the little neck tie. I already have this in white with black trims as I brought it on uniform.

I think my A/W wardrobe is getting there!

Review - Space Girl Lush bath bomb

I am a massive fan of Lush, I love the fact that you can smell it from miles away and can spends ages picking each individual product up and smelling it. Unfortunately I hardly ever buy products as my nearest one is about half an hour away but I recently stocked up on a few bath bombs that should keep me going for a while!

I decided to give Space Girl a whirl as I had never tried it before. It looks so pretty! On the website it states that it is named after a song by the band The Imagined Village. Featuring the ingredients of grapefruit oil, bergamot oil and almond oil I was certain that it would be a keeper.

As I dropped it in, it didn't make that much of an impact with the fizzy-ness. Usually Lush bath bombs literally exploded but this one kind of faded into the background. I am not sure if this was because I had already had a good few weeks before I used it. But from previous experiences this doesn't usually affect it.

The smell however hit me as soon as it plopped into the water. It reminded me of the sweet Palma violets. Remember them? They are my favourite sweets so naturally I loved the smell. However this faded quite quickly, it didn't linger like some bath bombs do.

My favourite bath bombs change the colour of the water dramatically; some even stain the bath much to my dad's disgust. However this one disappointed me. As you can see from the third picture after it had dissolved, it didn't really leave that much of an impression. The purple just wasn't bright enough for me. Not enough glitter appeared in the water either for me but again I am not sure if this was because it had been sitting in my bathroom for too long before it was used.

I think I am going to buy this one again and try to use it straight away to see if it makes more of an impact.

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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