Gold satin maxi skirt: Charity Shop
Nude bow sandals: River Island
Gold coloured bangles: Topshop and Primark
An outfit post with a bit of a twist today!
I spent the weekend in the Wembley Hilton attending a Jazzacise weekend. Major fail on that part as I only did 2.5 classes out of about 12! But I did have such an amazing time and spent it with two of my favourite people. I don't think I have danced or laughed that much in a very long time. I would post some pictures but I don't think they are suitable for this blog!
On the Saturday night it was Bollywood night which meant we had to get an outfit. I had borrowed one from my mum's friend but was so scared to wear it as she told my mum she wore it to weddings. I am an extremely clumsy person and could imagine me falling over and ripping a big hole in the sari!
As we wandered in search of the local Primark, we spotted that the window display of Oxfam was full of saris. I have never seen so many beaded or brightly coloured pieces of clothing in my life. They were all so pretty. As we ummed and ahhed over them, a lovely lady came to our aid. She had a rummage through the back, taught us how to tie saris and re-threaded some trousers for my friend.
I wish I could dress like this every day, it made me feel like a princess. The amount of detailing in the top is immense and must have taken such a long time. Can you believe that this was only £10?! Amazing! I brought a sari too because it was pretty and only £6. You never know, it might come in handy!