The worst things in life come free to us

Two tone orange and cranberry dress with matching belt: Primark
Nude wooden sandals: Next
Gold bangles: Topshop and Primark
Red plastic watch: Toywatch

Ahhh the tan. How I wish it wasn't fading. I don't look this golden anymore :( It feels like I have never been away.

A fairly simple outfit as there is nothing worse than being all hot and flustered on holiday! I love this dress, another Primarni special, but I don't think it fits right. The lining is a but funny underneath, makes my hips look a lot bigger than they actually are. The top is quite baggy when I think it should be a bit fitted. Ah well I suppose you get what you pay for and it was only £15. I am still going to keep wearing it I think as I really love the style and colours.

Things are back to normal this week. The daily grind of the commute, jazzacise, a few meals out and the Next Sale to contend with at the weekend. On one hand I love the sale as I get lots of overtime which means lots of money. On the other hand I have to give my weekend up and miss out on things. Swings and roundabouts.

I also subscribed to the GlossyBox. I have been umming and ahhing for a few months, my contract at Magicalia ends in October so I will be back working part time at Next and be earning a lot less. But I have been avidly reading blogs and been green with envy so I decided to just take the plunge. I can always unsubscribe in October right? So excited to recieve my first one!

How's your week been?

Don't underestimate the things that I will do


Floral dress with matching belt: Primark
Bow nude wooden sandals: Next
Vintage straw bag: eBay
Gold coloured bangles: Topshop and Primark
Red plastic watch: Toywatch

Ouch my legs look a bit red in these pictures! I only thought I got sunburnt on my back!

This straw bag is one of the best things I brought on eBay. I only paid £1.04 for it, think it came to about £3 with postage. It went with absolutely everything and is the perfect holiday bag. Just the right size to lug all my junk around! Unfortunately my poor shoes had broken before I had even got on the plane. I had to carry them in my hand luggage as they were too heavy for my suitcase. On the way to the airport I noticed the bow was flapping about! I tried to super glue it once I found the nearest supermarket next to our hotel but it didn't work. I took them back when I got home and exchanged them for another pair. Hopefully these ones won't break, they are a perfect holiday shoe!

I went shopping over the weekend and hit up H&M. They really have stepped it up a gear this season and I could have brought the whole shop. I brought a beautiful orange midi skirt for work. It is made of such lovely material and was only £24.99. Got an outfit planned for that later on during the week :)

Lots of people commented on my orange dress in the previous post. It was a River Island special and I blogged about it here. :)

Did anyone do anything exciting over the weekend?

Hola Amigos

A few snapshots of my week in Majorca, I figured you wouldn't interested in 117 photos so I have just selected a few!

Despite the grimace in the third picture I can assure you that my boyfriend does really like spending time with me. I think. He just does not like to smile in photos!

I had such a lovely week away in the hot sunshine although my tan seemed to have faded as soon as I got on the plane to come home. We just spent the week being lazy at the beach and pool and to be honest it was bliss. It was so nice not to have to do anything, life is always so hectic during the week now I am working full time. Highlights included a lot of cocktails, bingo, crazy golf, lots of food and the beautiful beach.

I have a few posts lined up, looking forward to getting back into blogging and catching up on my favourites.

Hope you have all been ok!

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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