You've got to take me out at least once a week

Black and white floral dress: Next
Red long sleeved cardigan: Primark
Black loafers: Primark
Black tights: Marks and Sparks
Black leather stachel: Charity shop
Oversize faux pearl necklace: Primark

Excuse the red eye in the second photo, my mum refused to take any more pictures because she has to watch heartbeat in the telly. Never mind that the episode is 10 years old and she has seen it a million times before!

I spent the last of my uniform allowance at work today and this is one of the two dresses that I brought. Only £28 normally, what a bargain! I'm wearing it out before I wear it to work, always nice to go out for the evening with something new on! I thought i'd jazz it up a bit with a red cardigan, stop it from looking too dull. I'm using my trusty vintage stachel again tonight, honestly the best £6 I have ever spent I use it all the time!

Off out to Pizza Expresss tonight for dinner. My boyfriend is very kindly treating me as he won £30 on the Grand National. I think I have a keeper there! Although I have made sure I have printed off the 2 courses for £10 discount off vouchercodes, nothing I like more than a bargain! It will be such a nice break from all my Uni work I seem to be doing lately athough I am feeling a little guilty about not doing any tonight. Handed in my first draft of my dissertation today so hopefully I won't have too much to change come Wednesday and my tutor will tell me i'm on the right track!

Hope everyone has a lovely evening :)

Summer loving

I have been browsing the internet when I should be in fact doing some dissertation work. First draft in on Thursday eeeeek! But I have completed my other two modules, page numbered and contents paged, so they are ready to be handed in. Also done about 250 words of my dissertation so all in all a pretty successful geeky night!

I do have a point after all that mindless rambling, I stumbled across the new Primark summer collection and spotted this dress.

Oh my I NEED it now. I will find it and it will be mine.

It will be perfect for my holiday (which I have yet to book or even save for but lets forget about that!). I l0ve the beautiful colours and look at the neckline! Its a beaut! The length is perfect, no flashing anyone once I have had a few. Always a plus in my book! Oh and what is the price I hear you say. £17! Who says you can't look good on a budget.

Oh Primark you have certainly upped your game!

I get drunk and sentimental

Wow this is 100th post, cannot believe that I have rambled on so much haha! Even more shocked that people like to read it. I would like to thank you all so much for reading my little blog. Also a massive hello to my new followers :)

As I have already blogged about this outfit here, I just changed the lipstick and earrings for last night, I decided to do a post about my night out and show you all my drunken antics! I am a little disappointed that my beehive dropped halfway through the night, must use more hairspray next time! It seemed that everybody was out last night, seriously so many people I knew! Although my friend and I have come to conclusion that we would must rather hire a travel lodge and go out of our town for a night out. Will cost us the same, the town gets a bit repetative at times.

I planned the night out my best friend but then one of my close friends came home from Plymouth to celebrate after getting a job as a teacher for a local school. I am so proud of her, she has worked bloody hard for it. Well done Jay! She is the first one to actually use her degree in what it was designed for haha! I then got invited out for someones birthday at work and it was my boyfriends friends birthday! Talk about everything happening at once!
One of my best friends and I. Honestly I love this girl so much, so many of my favourite memories have been spent with her. She knows me inside out and is not afraid to tell me when i'm being a complete idiot, which is fairly often to be honest haha! I have to thank her for being a bad influence and introducing me to alcohol at the age of 14, its been a downward spiral ever since haha! I cannot wait until our Brighton trip in May.
My beautiful old sixth form friends!
Ugh shots that taste like fizzy drinks ha! This may be why I got so drunk because they did not taste like alcohol and I took advantage of that fact! Raving it up of course!Now for some silly ones. Dont judge me, I am not like this every weekend haha!I obviously think I have a sexy trout pout while under the influence. Quite clearly I do not. Must stop this immediately Sophie. Drunkenly confessing my love to my homegirl. Standard on a night out. This makes me laugh, looking at the smirk on my boyfriends face and the disgust on Ems I should think he has done something he shouldn't have! I don't think she enjoyed it too much!
Finally a photo of me holding onto my boyfriend for dear life. Not quite sure if thats a smile or a grimace haha! I am not too sure about the size of my chin in this, i'm feeling a little Mr Incredible.

All in all a good night out with lots and lots of dancing involved. My feet are killing me. I am dreading work today ugh I so cannot handle hangovers anymore. I am DYING!

Hope you all had a lovely Saturday night, get up to anything exciting?

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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