Vampire Love

Now I know vampire are not really anything to do with fashion unless you have a thing for fangs. I was planning on doing an outfit post but after walking home from work I really cannot be bothered to get out of my tracksuit and am quite happy with looking like Waynetta Slob. I am bloody freezing!
Since handing my coursework in, I have been obssessed with True Blood. I had been after another vampire style thing to get into after being sucked into Twilight. My friend lent me the first series and since watching them during the week I have become hooked. I need to own the books.
They are extremely sexy, so sexy in fact I felt like I was intruding and had to look away. I felt my inner prude coming out. I must admit sometimes Snookie grates on me a little but I can overlook that. I have only watched the first four eposides but already now its a television show that I will be making sure I own on DVD. I feel like im going to have a massive crush on Bill Crompton. Edward Cullen who?
Anyone else watch it?
The snow is insane here, we didnt really have any when it first hit the country but boy are we making up for it now! Its at least 4 inches and it suppose to continue snowing until 9pm so it will be extremely fun trying to get into work tomorrow morning!

All images from various sources on google


Now I love Velvet, I bust out the velvet dress every christmas. Once Ive got it on I know that Christmas is only round the corner. However not very many people share my love for velvet and I cannot for the life of me understand.
Especially where there are velvet beauties like this:
I think I might have let out an internal squeal when I saw this in Look magazine. How beautiful is that statement shoulder? It goes perfectly with her hair and the pale skin really sets it off. It just screams Christmas party at me! I think its the best dress i've ever seen Nicola Roberts wear and she always looks stunning. I have no idea where it is from, any ideas? I need to know if it is within my budget!

Image taken from the Daily Mail website.

Here are a few velvet beauties that really are prefection.
TBA - £105. (In the sale believe it or not!)
French Connection - £95
Asos - £12 (Im in love with crushed velvet!)
Asos - £6 (Id feel like Lady Gaga!)

I've handed all my work in now so I can now relax until the New Year and look forward to my work experience at Nuts! Magazine at the end of next month. Im rather excited about that. Ill be working right next to the Tate and will be able to go to Borough Market in my lunch hour so life will be good!

You stood out like a sore thumb

Quick outfit post, this is what I wore to Uni today. I could not be bothered to do my face so I wore my glasses. Still not keen on having my picture taking whilst in glasses. Please excuse the extremely cluttered room, I realise this makes me look like a slob ha which would of course be true but shhhhhh.

Cardigan: Next
Top: Topshop
Skirt: Primark
Tights: Primark
Watch: Next
Brogues: Primark

I am feeling extremely smug today. I have completely all my uni coursework, bar the contents page and one research website because my printer at home is rubbish, and the deadline is not even until tomorrow. This time last year I was still frantically doing work at 4.55 so I have learnt my lesson. I cannot wait till stroll into uni at my leisure and hand in my work. All I have to worry about is making myself look beautiful for that evening as we are all going out to celebrate. Im dreading work the next day, ive got to get up at silly o'clock while extremely hungover and get a hour long bus journey into work. I could of course be sensible and not drink but really where's the fun in that?

I am now going to paint my nails pretty colours and snuggle under a throw to finally watch the first series of True Blood (I've borrowed the copy of my friend in the summer!) and wait for the boy to come round.

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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