
So I have failed my driving test for the second time today. It is unbelivably frustrating, I can drive I know I can but its just seems as soon as I step foot in test conditions I turn to mush. I have my favourite test route today through town and on a duel carriageway. Not an M11 roundabout in site. Reverse park and turn in the round, I can do with my eyes shut. Yet I failed it spectecularly, I suppose if your gonna fail may as well do it will style. Be pointless if I fail for not checking mirrors enough.
Im also skint so its not as if I can have a spending spree in Topshop to cheer myself up. Money has lasted 22 days this month, some kind of record to be honest. Cannot remeber having money for this long. Friday will be a very drunk night at the Pub.
On the plus side the mother is cooking me fajitas for dinner as a consolation prize. Almost worth failing in itself. Fajitas have to be the best food known to man. God bless the Mexicans.


Perhaps I have been reading Twilight for too long but I desperately want this t-shirt. I am embracing my inner geek, she likes to come out once in a while.

Alas though its by Wildfox which means it comes with a £65 price tag. I just cannot justify that for a t-shirt while I am saving to go on holiday. It would look great with my demin shirt over the top.

On another note I rediscovered my love for The Strokes. Amazing band, never ever gets old. Albert Hammond Junior has over taken Nick Valensi in the love stakes. Nick has got boring andf settled down with children. Where is the fun in that. I still laugh at Alberts guitar playing in the Last Night video.


Before im 30

Things I want to do before I hit the big depressing 30
9 years to achieve everything before its a downward sprirl with kids and marriage.
1. Own a Mulberry black bayswater
2. Travel like a backpacker for at least a good month.
3. Live in New York.
4. Spend two weeks in partyland Ibiza getting completely smashed.
5. Own a pair of black patent Christan Louboutin peeptoe shoes.
6. Get my NCE as a journalist.
7. Visit Florence.
8. Move away from everything I know for a little while to prove to all the doubters I can make it on my own.
9. Spend the summer working abroad in bar for four months
10. Travel round Europe in a campervan.

Not much to ask now is it?

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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