OOTD: Black and White Stripes

Black and white sleeveless top: Primark (similar)
Textured black midi skirt: Topshop  (similar)
Chain handled cross body black bag: Zara (similar)
Pony haired block heeled sandals: New Look (similar)

The last few weeks I feel like I haven't stopped. In a good way. I've been lucky to get some freelance shifts at a magazine but working in London again has made me exhausted. I absolutely love being back in the city and wouldn't change it for anything. It's where I want to be without a shadow of a doubt. But I would love some more sleep! The long days and early starts are taking a while to get used too. It doesn't help that my to do list is getting longer by the minute. I need to stop arranging to be such a social butterfly and lay off all the dinners/drinks I've been arranging. My body can't cope and nor can my bank account. But it's just hard when you've been away from The Big Smoke for 18 months. I just want to do everything! You can sleep when you're dead right?

Photos thanks to the beautiful Sarah!


  1. this look is absolutely lovely & chic. I really love the volume of the skirt. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  2. Gorgeous skirt! Glad to hear you've been getting some work too.
    You definitely shouldn't stop going out though :)

  3. Gorgeous! You sound super busy, but that's brilliant when you're loving what you're doing! xx

  4. You look gorgeous here Soph, II really love those sandals!

    Maria xx

  5. I always feel as though I work best under pressure and I kind of love it when my diary is full up to the brim, but maybe sometimes you need a little time off.

  6. Congrats on getting the freelance jobs! Hopefully you're able to catch up on some sleep soon :)


  7. Love this top - now regretting dodging Primark yesterday! x

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