Southbank Christmas Market

Monday, 9 December 2013

Last weekend I decided to get into the Christmas spirit and made a special visit to the Southbank Christmas Market. After visiting Winter Wonderland numerous times before, I thought it'd be only fair to see another one in the city. I actually think I prefer the Southbank, It's one of my favourite places to have a stroll anyway and it's even better all decked out for the festive season. It just feels less touristy and less tacky as there's no blaring rides. It's still quite busy but it doesn't feel too closed in. You can buy lots of Christmas goodies such a decorations, gingerbread, marshmallows, roasted chestnuts and traditional presents. It's not the cheapest of places to eat but hey Christmas only comes round once a year!
A word of advice if you visit, opt for the bacon and cheese sausage. It's a good 'un!


  1. I had a wander round yesterday evening before I went home :) it's so pretty when all the light where on! Didn't get to have an food though =( that gingerbread house looks lush! xoxo

  2. Bacon and cheese sausage? That just sounds kinda crazy.

  3. Aw, this look so much better than Bristol's attempt! x

  4. I think I'm going for Winter Wonderland and Southbank Market in one day this weekend! Ohh, bacon and cheese sausage sounds so delicious! I actually had a cheese injected sausage at Winter Wonderland last year which was amazing!

  5. Ahh, that hot dog looks delicious!! Sophie, I just found your blog today and I love it- especially the name and design! You seem like a really interesting person, I'm now following you :)

    If you're interested, follow me back!

  6. I wish that it looked that Christmas-y here in California! :( That looks amazing. xxx

  7. aaw this looks fun :) Lidl sell gingerbread house kits for £5.99 so I'm going to try and make one myself xx

  8. Looks fantastic! Love the gingerbread houses, the whole village of them. :)

  9. I went to this on Sunday evening - it was packed but did make me feel a bit more Chirstmassy! x


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