This week i'm loving - Red Lipsticks

Sunday, 23 June 2013

There's just something about a red lip that draws me in. Maybe it's the throwback to yesteryear when hollywood scarletts would finish off their outfits with a slick of red. Or the fact it packs a punch to what otherwise could be a dull outfit. There's no denying red lipstick certainly makes a statement.

Here are a few of my favourites:

Chanel Rouge Allure 99 Pirate - Ah I could stare at this forever and it has pride of place on show in my bedroom. I cannot tell you how long I wanted a classic Chanel red. The price always had me bulking as I was never really a frequent lipstick wearing until last year. I agonisingly saved all my boots points until I had enough. It's a beautiful deep red but a lipliner is a must as it tends to bleed. It doesn't have the most amazing staying power but I don't mind whipping it out to reapply every now and again. Who doesn't like getting something Chanel out of their handbag?

F+F Lips Mistress - I got this lipstick in a goody bag when I attended the Florence and Fred press event last Christmas. I wasn't expecting too much to be fair but I was extremely pleasantly surprised! It is a gorgeous deep red - sense a theme?! - and it has amazing staying power with a slight glossy finish. I wore it out to an event last week and it survived lots of nibbles and a very large g+t. It still looked almost perfect on the lips by the time I got on the tube to go home. I keep meaning to pick up a few more from the lipstick range. Just make sure you apply lots of lip balm as every crack shows through.

Rimmel London Apocalips Lip Lacquer Big Bang - When all the hype about these came out I rushed off to Boots like a good blogger and picked one up. This is VERY bright and it certainly doesn't make you blend into the crowd. It doesn't feel sticky like other lipglosses which is a plus. Nothing worse than a windy day combined with sticky lips. It will need to be applied a few times throughout the night though especially if you're drinking lots. Not that I know from experience...

Rimmel Kate Lasting Finish Lipstick 01 - This one was a find in the beauty cupboard at work and i'm very glad I picked it up. It lasts fairly well - not as long as the 8 hours it claims though. Although it might if you don't take part in any eating or drinking! This is such a reasonable price for the quality and once this runs out i'll be restocking as it's a great choice for any red lip collection.

What's your go to lipstick for a red lip?


  1. Lovely colours ! I like red colours with a matte effect :)

  2. Ahhh you gals converted me to the ways of the red lip and I have too many to count now! I love the Rimmel Apocalips, really need to wear mine a little more. And er, how amazing is the name of your Chanel lippie?! Arrrrr! ;) xx

  3. I love the Rimmel Apocalips in terms of colour and staying power, but for some reason I can sniff out a weird smell on them that a lot of people don't seem to notice!


  4. I've been hunting for the perfect red lip for a while now, think I'll have to try the Apocalips next!

    - Tabitha at scaredtoast. com x

  5. I am yet to find the right red for me, I think I'm doomed! x

  6. i love a red lip too! The rimmel one is a lovely shade x

  7. I have that F+F one from the same goodie bag and love it more than some of my more expensive lipsticks. x

  8. Hey girl! Thank you for sharing these! I'm on the hunt for the perfect red lipstick, so I will definitely check these out:)!

  9. I'm quite tempted to try the Rimmel-Kate one. Love the shade of it but have been reluctant to leave behind my Mac Ruby Woo!

    Rianna xxx

  10. I looove red lipstick :) I love the colour of the Kate Moss Rimmel one :) x

  11. you are adorable! just found your page. so jealous you have that red asos skirt. ive loved that and it looks fab on you


    Stop by for a visit,

    Lydia from Vintage2Vogue

  12. i wear rep lips almost every day and my favourite right now is mac russian red. its the perfect red for me and stays on for soooo long.

  13. I love red lipsticks! It's always an instant pick me up for me :) xxx


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