How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Black long tweed coat: Next
Black t-shirt: Primark
Black super soft skinny jeans: Primark
Red woolly scarf: New Look
Red studded ankle boots: New Look
Red lipstick: Mistress c/o Clothing at Tesco

Snow?! In March?! What is the world coming too? I am not happy about this at all. Quite a simple outfit really to try and combat the cold weather. I thought i'd brighten up a all black outfit with red accents and I really like the way it's turned out. It's nothing groundbreaking but perfect for lounging about doing odd bits and bobs. These boots were an absolute bargain in the January sales at only £15 and have fast became my favourite boots. I really should invest in more ankle boots if this a sign of winter to come. Anything else think winter has lasted forever this year?

I'm off out to a jumble sale this afternoon to try and score some goodies. Despite being beaten up by the local grannies I actually perfer them to bootsales. Everything is so cheap and they are full of vintage bric and brac as it tends to be the older generantion donating. Fingers crossed all the dealers don't nab the best things! I also managed to lose 2lbs at Weightwatchers this week which has made me estatic! I've now lost 5lbs in three week taking my weight loss down to a stone. It has taken me well over a year but losing weight can get boring extremely quickly if you have a social life. In my eyes life's too short to be couning calories all day every day - sometimes that burger is just too good to turn down.

I'm also on Bloglovin just in case you wanted to follow after all this hoo-ha about Google Reader!

What have you got planned for the weekend?


  1. I have nothing planned for today......anymore, the snow ruined my plans, we have around 11 inches in places!!xxx

  2. congrats on the weight loss milestone :) Love the red scarf! The weather is so ridiculous, I think winter has lasted nearly 6 months so far! x

  3. You skinny minnie! Love your cosy look, those studded boots are fab. Hope you have fun at the jumble sale x

  4. Love jumble sales, I hope you found something fun. I also love the title! Brilliant song.

    ellie | mantrapixie | x

  5. Laaav your boots and coat, Sophie! Hope you found some nice bits at the jumble sale, too lazy to read our Facebook thread hahaha. xx

  6. I keep moaning about the cold and Mum pointed out that she went in to labour with my brother in April 24 years ago and couldn't get to the hospital for didn't comfort me! x

  7. You look lovely, the red brightens it up nicely!

    Maria xxx

  8. what a perfect outfit:) really love how the scarf and the shoes match<3 and the coat is so gorgeous xx

  9. Love these boots Sophie!!

  10. Love the chunky scarf, hope you get a few bargains xx

  11. That coat is absolutely lovely, love a long tweed coat! Hope you got some good bits at the jumble sale! xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  12. Love your boots! Such a great colour x

  13. Sophie you are looking so hawt lately - those shoes are amazing, what a sale steal! :) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  14. I can't believe the weather at the moment! Love your bright red scarf. x

  15. I love the boots they are amazing! I cant believe its spring and you have snow. Thats one of good things about being right down south have to say.

  16. Really loving your coat! This weather really is ridiculous, snow in March is just silly! xx


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