A Snapshot #10

Sunday, 11 March 2012

001: Well I ate a lot of food this week. What weightwatchers? I was too busy out enjoying myself to point watch, something i'm sure to regret come tomorrow's weigh in... I attempted my first homemade lasagne tonight. It was lovely even if I do say so myself! It was a weightwatchers recipe so I used pork mince instead of beef. It was a really nice change.

002. I spent Saturday night round a friends house watching a film and stuffing myself on pizza. Perfect Saturday night in! Not bad for £3 eh?

003. I brought a money tin today to start seriously saving for my Mulberry bag. Unsure if I should save for a Lily (its one of the least expensive) or a Bayswater (my dream bag). Ideally I would like both though! I am going to put in at least £5 a week, it's not a lot but it's a start!

004. Nomnomnom! Nachos are my absolute favourite, I could seriously eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Met my best friend for a pub lunch this weekend for a much needed catch up!

005 - 006. Is there anywhere better place to eat other than TGI Fridays? I tried to be good and eat a dish that was one of the lowest points so went for vegetable fajitas but fell off the wagon with this shared starter. It was so good though!


  1. Look at all this food, I really should hang out with you more!
    Good luck on the saving Sophweeeee. As Tesco say "Every little helps"xx

  2. This post is such a carb-fest, I love it.x

  3. yummmy! It looks so delicious and I am getting hungry after I saw all these things <3

  4. Nom, this post makes me peckish! I've been putting £5 away since the start of 2012, I've got £50 so far - not too shabby! Not entirely sure about what I'm going to spend it on though! x

  5. love the looks of all your food. Nom.

  6. Oh man, this all looks sooooo good!!! You can always pick up WW tomorrow. That's what your extra weekly points are for! (I did WW for a while so I know what's up ;))

    Your bag fund is so cute! Good luck!

    Mabel Time

  7. The nachos look so good, i am craving them now! The Lily bag is nice, a good choice! xxx

  8. So much yummy food!!! You're making me hungry. :)


  9. Was that all this week? Mega jeals. Love the illustration on your blog, gorgeous! Just found you, you totes have a new follower xxx

    South Molton St Style

    1. Awww thank you :) Yes I was very greedy and ate all that this week! Got to be healthy this week!

  10. good lord, I am so jealous! I went to Harvester and had some chicken but went mental on the bread rolls and salad bar. Sounds like a fun week :) xx

  11. Mmm, yummy, you've made me hungry now :) x

  12. all these food photos are making me so hungry now! lovely post! x

    - Ally @ Styled With Leather

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Mmm food. Congrats on the homemade lasagne!

    Rosie x

  15. Oh wow, absolutely immense post of food here!!!


  16. Nachos are one of my favourite things to eat...I don't think I'd ever get sick of them!

    I need to start a Mulberry fund - can't decide on a Bayswater or Alexa but I suppose I can make that decision when I actually start putting money away ha :) xx


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