Lady of the manor

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Grey tweed blazer: Next
White v-neck t-shirt: Primark
Demin skinny jeans: Primark
Blue and brown bow pumps: Primark
Vintage navy kelly bag: Charity Shop

I bet you've all forgotten what I looked like due to my lack of outfit posts. Hopefully i'm back on track and have lots to blog about. I've just been so busy! Things will slow down a bit next week.

I nabbed this tweed blazer in the next sale, i've had my eye on it ever since it came in but even with 25% discount it was still a little steep so i'm over the moon I managed to get it for half price. I adore the elbow patches and feel so grown up in it! You can see a peek of the elbow patches in the first image if you really strain your eyes, they're pretty lush. The bag was a charity shop find and was only a £1 so it would have been rude not to add it to my ever growing Kelly bag collection. Think i'm on about six or seven now! I am craving a bit of charity shop binge, might try and fit a few in over the bank holiday weekend.

Hope you're all having a great weekend. I've just got back from some amazing pie, mash and liquor. It was the lunch of champions.


  1. Love the bag! awesome charity shop find :) x

  2. very smart indeed lady, especially teamed with your gorgeous vintage bag!! Sounds like an amazing lunch too :P xx

  3. You look lovely :) The bag is gorgeous - can't believe it was only £1.
    And sounds like you had a great lunch! I'm craving pie and mash now. Xx

  4. I like the tweed blazer, and that bag is gorgeous too, what a great charity shop find! :)

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

  5. You look lovely! Adore the bag! :)

  6. Can't believe the bag was only £1?! I have one really similar.

    And your tweed jacket is so good! xx

    sweet monday
    sweet monday shop

  7. Love the blazer, what a great bargain! x

  8. I completely love this outfit, it's basic and very chic. I really love the way a blazer smartens an outfit up. You look fab x x x

  9. Aw Sophie you do look grown up! I need me some patches


  10. Love the bag, very chic! xx

  11. lovely outfit,love the blazer!

  12. That bag's so cute with the tweed blazer! Such a good find. Hope you did well chazza shopping. x

  13. That blazer is great and love the bag :o) Scarlett x

  14. you're looking pretty fabulous here missy! Love you in skinnies! that jacket is rather smashing, jealous! x

  15. Love the tweed blazer. So timeless and classic.

  16. Dude - the necklace was £3! Less than a flippin' sandwich costs these days!

    The blazer looks very smart - I like!

  17. Love this Soph! That tweed blazer is gorgeous, you look so smart and sophisticated ;) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  18. Thаnkѕ for finally wrіtіng аbοut > "Lady of the manor" < Liked it!

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