We found love in a hopeless place

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Black embelished peter pan collar chiffon shift dress: Next via Choice
Multi coloured glittery bag: Primark
Multi coloured glitter nail varnish: OPI Rainbow Collection
Sparkly ball ring: C/O Stella & Dot
Diamond drop earrings: Dorothy Perkins

This bag is perhaps the most Essex thing that I own, completely verging on chavvy but I absolutely love it! I admit I brought it because it matched my nails, I tried to hunt down the shoes that Hannah has brought but failed. I am falling out of love with it rapidly though as it completely ruined my dress. Destroyed the chiffon completely and the dress is now fit for the bin. Going to hunt around in Choice to see if I can purchase another one because it really is the perfect party season dress. Next time I will take a smooth bag and maybe not drink as much wine...

I was very kindly given the ring at work by my boss who was sent it from a PR. Isn't it lovely? It seemed very apt for my first Christmas party of the season. Once again I stole the shoes off my friend, although I woke up this morning panicking that I had lost them because I could not find them anywhere in my room. Luckily I had left them in her boyfriend's car. They were one of the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn on a night out so am now on a mission to hunt them down on ebay.

Did you all have a lovely weekend?


  1. I love the dress, you look so pretty!


  2. love this dress on you! I have one sort of similar but it makes me look a funny shape. What a nuisance that your bag shredded it :(

  3. Gorgeous! I love the sparkly bag too!! :D xx

  4. Love the dress, love the bag! Perfecto!

  5. Oh no! It's a shame rhe bag ruined the dress because it's on the perfect side of tacky! Love it.

    Rosie x

  6. Love the dress on you, you look gorge! And I love a bit of bling so the bag is pretty cool, what a shame though :( Hope you track down another dress! xx

  7. Oh no that's a shame about the dress with the bag. It is really lovely. Hope you had a good night! x

  8. Looking stunning my dear. And that bag is lovely, shame it wrecked your dress.

    X x

  9. Vicious glitter, eh? What a shame, that's a fab dress and really suits you. Good luck finding a replacement. x

  10. LOVE the bag! SHINY!

  11. Ah no what a shame about the dress/bag combo. The bag and the dress are both lovely, just not together I guess :(

  12. You look beautiful! Love your dress!



  13. Gorgeous as always Soph!!xx

  14. Love the outfit Sophie, very glam x

  15. That's too bad about the dress... you should definitely try and get another one. I really love it... have a chiffon sleeved number myself back home, and looking forward to wearing it over Christmas. : )

  16. You look really pretty in this dress, I love the sparkles :)
    Would you like to follow eachother?
    ♥ Maria

  17. You look fab!xxx


  18. A LBD is so classic (thanks for voting for me at Matalan by the way lovey x) and this one really suits you! I love the collar on it! ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  19. I love the glittery bag & nails combo! I don't think that glittery necessarily equals chavvy! All that glitters is beautiful in my opinion :)
    Rachelle x


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