You've got to take me out at least once a week

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Black and white floral dress: Next
Red long sleeved cardigan: Primark
Black loafers: Primark
Black tights: Marks and Sparks
Black leather stachel: Charity shop
Oversize faux pearl necklace: Primark

Excuse the red eye in the second photo, my mum refused to take any more pictures because she has to watch heartbeat in the telly. Never mind that the episode is 10 years old and she has seen it a million times before!

I spent the last of my uniform allowance at work today and this is one of the two dresses that I brought. Only £28 normally, what a bargain! I'm wearing it out before I wear it to work, always nice to go out for the evening with something new on! I thought i'd jazz it up a bit with a red cardigan, stop it from looking too dull. I'm using my trusty vintage stachel again tonight, honestly the best £6 I have ever spent I use it all the time!

Off out to Pizza Expresss tonight for dinner. My boyfriend is very kindly treating me as he won £30 on the Grand National. I think I have a keeper there! Although I have made sure I have printed off the 2 courses for £10 discount off vouchercodes, nothing I like more than a bargain! It will be such a nice break from all my Uni work I seem to be doing lately athough I am feeling a little guilty about not doing any tonight. Handed in my first draft of my dissertation today so hopefully I won't have too much to change come Wednesday and my tutor will tell me i'm on the right track!

Hope everyone has a lovely evening :)


  1. Your dress looks lovely. All credit to you for printing off your voucher, every penny counts.

    X x

  2. Love the red cardigan, really makes the outfit :)

  3. Pretty Dress!! It kinda matches your wallpaper!!!

  4. sweet look, i particularly love the satchel!

    mmm pizza express!

  5. Heehee, if it weren't for the red cardie you'd be completely camouflaged!

  6. lovely outfit!!!

  7. Doesn't that red cardigan POP though!! I love the combo. Nice work on the lotto success, too! Hope your thrifty dinner date was delicious.

  8. fab dress and a bargain too. the cardi really adds a splash of colour to the ensemble. I love eating at Pizza Express :)

  9. got to love uniform allowance! it looks lovely on you too (:

  10. I love Pizza Express especially when there is a voucher involved! I love red white and black together

  11. So pretty, hope you had a lovely night out. I love pizza express :) x

  12. Hope you enjoyed pizza express, yum!

  13. cool wallpaper :) i like the look, fresh :)

  14. I love that dress, Next upping their game ha good use of uniform allowance! xo.


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