Baggy trousers

Saturday, 16 April 2011

White vest top: H&M
Dusty pink lace blazer: Next
Grey smart chinos: Next
Grey ballet pumps: Primark
Blue cameo necklace: Charity shop
Red watch: Toywatch

Sorry for the squinty eyes, its quite sunny here in Essex. Whats it like where you are?

I am in trousers. I never wear trousers. They just do not agree with my child bearing hips, I sure I will be grateful of them in 10 years when I actually have children but right now I hate tmy hips with a passion. I have been lusting over chinos from afar but just felt too self conscious to buy and and they fact most of them just did not fit. I found these in Next and had been umming and ahhhing for ages. They are soft cotton so are not as clingy as ordinary chinos. Plus they look smarter and will be perfect for when I finally get a full time job. I might invest in the black version too. It does feel a little weird not being in a dress, I feel more exposed in trousers! I have had this lace blazer for ages, brought it as uniform a few seasons ago and its still going strong. I love the colour and its so easy just to throw on.

I still don't feel that confident in this get up but I am going to visit family today and I feel more comfortable around them.

As I said I am off to visit family today. My cousin has recently brought a house about half an hour away and is having people over as a little house warming. It is starting at 2pm so I will possibly be drunk by 4 especially as he said he has wine! Not good! I always like doing family things, its not often that everyone gets the chance to get together due to people living all over.

Also I have been reading a few blogs recently and people have been taking part in "swaps" with bloggers in different countries. They swap anything really that is only available in their country. I was wondering if anyone wanted to do this with me? My email address is in the contact me tab at the top, just let me know! Its always nice to recieve things in the post that are not bills!

What have you all go planned for the weekend?


  1. Oh these trousers look really great on you, great purchase! I love your lace blazer too, so pretty in pink.
    Its cloudy in Norfolk :( . No big plans this weekend.

  2. I'm the same, I never wear trousers... or even jeans!! can never find any to fit me in a nice way!

    Sound like you are off to a good auld Saturday, wind in the day.. another hangover eh.. ha! be worth it!

    Enjoy luv xx

  3. Great outfit! I especially love the lace blazer! Its so different to a regular blazer, so girly!


  4. You should feel confident!! You look great!! The blazer is adorable in pink!

  5. The trousers look fab on you! Infact the whole outfit looks great.

    Love the swop idea. Perhaps this is something that could just be actioned anyway?

    X x

  6. The trousers look lovely :) Especially with the lace top, and the cameo! Hope you're having a nice weekend xx

  7. this is a lovely outfit. i feel the same about trousers but ive found myself wearing them loads recently, must be a passing phase lol but i love them =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  8. I'm really loving the baggy trousers with the feminine cardigan. I think it is the perfect addition to the outfit! And your necklace...swoon. I always love a good cameo. xoxo

  9. You live in Essex? Me too! :D. The suns been gorgeous recently!
    I love your trousers, I'm not really a trouser person either, I'd definitely wear these though! I have a pair of chinos that have never been worn because I have no shoes to go with them! Hahah.

  10. I am the same, never wear trousers, except work and placements! It's quite sunny here in the midlands, but mainly it's been cloudy and warm :)

  11. Those trousers look fantastic on you!

    I have never been a trouser fan (I have big hips to, plus short legs! Not a good combo!) but so many great bloggers have been rocking them, I really want to give them a go!

  12. I feel the same about trousers, but these look great on you! I love the outfit, especially the pink Next blazer - is it still in store now, or you had for a while?

  13. those trousers look amazing on you x

  14. Love the trousers on you, and please be happy with your hips, they're perfectly feminine :)

    Miri's Castle

  15. it's been really sunny here too! loving it. i think you look fab in pants. my only problem with pants is that i have really short legs.

  16. the trousers look fab on you! love the blazer too, it girlys up the outfit :) x

  17. I love your lacy blazer - so so sweet.
    Hope you had a nice day with your family on Saturday,

    Rosie x

  18. Those trousers are really nice, I'd love to get a black pair! And I know what you mean, getting letters through the post is the best thing. Luckily I'm too young and still living with parents to get bills yet! xxx

  19. i love those trousers, teamed with that delicate cardi....devine

  20. love that lace number!

    be sure to check out my blog for a chance to win an item by Anthropologie (it's a couple posts down)

  21. Love the colour of the blazer.

  22. You trying out trousers, me trying out dresses...i think we've swapped! hehe, you look lovely though - they really suit your figure, and you've no need to be self conscious you numpty- beautiful! x

  23. Love those trousers! They look fab with the lace blazer!

  24. That lace jacket is gorgeous :) & I've seen quite a few bloggers doing a swap too, looks like a great idea, but wouldn't it cost loads and loads to keep sending the items all over the world.

    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva

  25. the cameo necklace is so precious... :)


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