Tis the season to be jolly

It was the work christmas do last night and it was a free bar, So naturally I took full advantage if this, so much so that my manager commented on me drinking the bar dry. Well Im a student so im all over free things. It was a brilliant night, we went to a Greek restaurant in town. I must have spent the whole time on the dance floor according to the photos posted on facebook. I never realised what silly faces I pull while dancing!

Anyway I wore my beloved leather shorts out. I was more excited about wearing these for the first time than I was the fact I was going out intially haha! They are my new favourite things and im already putting together outfits that I can wear next time im invited out that include the beauties.
Ive tried to show you the pussy bow in the blouse but its not turned out too successful!

Horseshoe Blouse: Primark

Leather Shorts: Topshop

Tights: Primark

Shoes: New Look

Charm bracelet: Links of London

Nail Varnish: Rimmel

I havent got a picture of my shoes because I was taking it from a funny angle they all looked like I has thunder thighs! But I wore my black wedges from New Look that I have featured a few posts down.

1 Christmas party down and 4 to go!


  1. Leather shorts high five! I just made some. You look beaut!

  2. It seems like last night's Christmas event was unforgettable! People truly get together throughout the holiday season. wishing at digital marketing thesis topics might be a terrific method for anyone wishing to dive into current trends and advancements in the field, or for those looking to shift gears and focus on academic work after the holidays. Making the connection between happy times and future objectives never fails to inspire!


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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